ViVa Rusty Paper Rost

ViVa Rusty Paper Rost

Make trendy decorations with a rust-like appearance yourself! Rusty is suitable for brushing, dabbing, wipingon, the spatula and stenciling. For mistakably genuine rust-effects with a unique rough surface. According to the technique and the thickness applied different appearances always occur in this way.


- weather durable

- water based


Handling: Stir weel before use. It can be applied in a single application or in more coating. Apply the paint with a brush, roll, spoucer or wipe it onto the surface with a sponge. The thicker the coating is, the darker the color appears. The paint dries in approximately 1 hour. Rusty is suitable for many different surfaces. test grip before hand.

DIY | Rusty Flame | Kippers Hobby
119545248 - ViVa Decor - Rust-Orange
ViVa Rusty Paper Rost

ViVa Decor

119545048 - ViVa Decor - Rust
ViVa Rusty Paper Rost

ViVa Decor
